Age: 26 weeks 2 days
Weight: 17lbs 10oz (Little lady is officially too heavy to be carried in her car seat...ooomph!)
Length: 26"
Favorite toy: Does it fit in her mouth? Than it's her new favorite toy.
Favorite activity: Jumping in her jumparoo. She will literally jump in that thing for hours. The other day she was crying (time to eat!) but stillllll jumping, Shaun and I both got a chuckle out of that ...I know I know mean parents ;)
Favorite book: She's digging the touch and feel books and also her new bath time books
This month Harper discovered: that sitting up on her own is pretty cool. We've also
moved into the realm of solid food!! Bananas, pears, sweet potatoes and carrots have all been big hits. Green beans...not so much (literally spit out every single bite) She's mastered the sign for "milk" and is not shy about asking for it. We've almost got "more" and we're working on "all done". Sigh...warms this momma's heart to see those little chubby fingers signing <3
moved into the realm of solid food!! Bananas, pears, sweet potatoes and carrots have all been big hits. Green beans...not so much (literally spit out every single bite) She's mastered the sign for "milk" and is not shy about asking for it. We've almost got "more" and we're working on "all done". Sigh...warms this momma's heart to see those little chubby fingers signing <3
Races: None for her, too cold out!! Sadly I've decided to defer my entry into the Mid Winter Classic until next year. The flu ran rampant through our house and my mileage definitely suffered so I'm just not ready. My "oh so busy" schedule just suddenly cleared up...looks like I might be racing this thing. Still not ready so I won't be breaking any speed records, but what the hey.
Next race is the Irish Road Rover in March unless I find a shorter distance race to do in the meantime.
Next race is the Irish Road Rover in March unless I find a shorter distance race to do in the meantime.
Looking forward to: Whatever Miss H has in store for us this month!! Also to warmer weather so I can take my running buddy out with me again :)
how is this even possible!!??!?! shes a doll :)