Monday, July 6, 2015

Birthday Eve

Dear Holden,

I'm so behind on my updates on you...unlike with your sister, where I diligently updated the web every month on what she was up to, I have been a complete and utter slacker when it comes to you.  Some say "second child syndrome"...I would contest that I'm much to busy loving and living with you to write about you <3

It feels like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant
 and then
you were here and I couldn't imagine life before you.

 Since I last checked in you have grown to 21lbs and many inches (ugh sorry can't remember!)
You threw us a curve ball of an egg allergy (I swear it's karma paying me back for being irritated about a peanut allergy at daycare...I know I know I get it now I'm SOOOORRY!) and even had a little eye surgery just to mix things up a bit (we can skip doing that again mmm k thanks).
You're jibber jabbering up a storm, crawling with lighting speed and I'm pretty sure will be walking any day now.  The sun rises and sets on your big sister and she adores you too, even if the most frequently heard phrase out of her mouth is "OW! No thank you Holden!"

I'm not typically a sentimental mom.  Leaving behind bottles and pacifiers and accomplishing new things doesn't leave me in a puddle of tears, but I couldn't help get a little choked up as I laid you down tonight, your last night as my baby.

You laugh is infectious, your kisses the sweetest and that smile will get your forgiven for just about anything.  You're mostly your daddy with just a little bit of me which means we're in for some trouble!!
Happy Birthday Bubba! Here's to surviving year ONE!

Love  Mama <3

Friday, January 16, 2015

6 month catch up!

Hi Buddy
Poor're only six months old (sheesh that was fast!) and you're already suffering from SCS (second child syndrome).  In my defense I'm just now feeling like my head is above water again so blogging? Last thing on my mind.  I realize you have no idea what that me when I saw we've been busy.
For the sake of posterity let's catch everyone up shall we?

The past three months have been filled with sitting up and rolling over. You've discovered your hands and feet and I"m already nagging you to get your hands out of your pants already!!!

Thankfully we got a little bit of snow and were able to go sledding on Christmas Day (It's tradition!)

We finished up gymnastics and watched Harper get a ribbon for best jumper!
We also had a little baptism.  Following in your sisters footsteps you wore the same baptism outfit your older cousin wore made from Auntie Kim's wedding dress.

Honestly you've spent most of you time just being darn cute 
as we find our groove as a family of four.

(yup we're at Lowe's and Harper's wearing a cowgirl costume...pick your battles friends)

You are quick to laugh and slow to cry, not much upsets you other than not being fed quite fast enough and no one has the ability to light up your face quite like daddy.
I forgot how much I love this age <3

Just for fun...6 month old Harper on the left and Holden on the right.

See you in the next month....(or two)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Holden 3 months

Age: 3.5 months
Weight: ?
Length: ?  (4 month check up on 11/4)

Favorite toy: Does his sister count?  He hasn't gotten the hang of toys just yet but I'm sure he will soon with Harpers help.  She likes to bring him things and put them in his hands although he could really care less, he just likes to laugh at her :)
Hanging out at daycare

Favorite activity: He likes sitting in his swing and will tolerate laying on his activity mat for a few minutes, but her really prefers to just sit and hang out with someone.  He has started really noticing people and if you give him a big silly grin you are guarenteed to get one in return. Oh and sleeping...this kid LOOOVES to sleep and this mama is not complaining ONE BIT!

Favorite book: This is so embarrasing.  The other day the hubs and I realized oh my god we don't read to him!! I mean he's in the room when we read to his sister but we've never just sat down and read to him.  How awful to be a second child....and yes I plan to correct this immediately.
FIrst day of daycare (don't mind my face, I was trying to get him to smile)

This month: Holden not only discovered his hands but also how to roll over.  Right after he did it I put him on his belly again and qued up the video on my phone to see if I could get it on tape (I did).  I immediately sent it to his daycare provider and said "Tell me right now and don't you dare lie, have you seen this before??" To which she replied "No way!! But we've been practicing! Go BRUCE!!" 
Like his sister he doesn't seem to enjoy tummy time AT ALL so I'm guessing that was his motivation to get moving. 

Races: Coming back to running after this pregnancy was significantly faster and easier than it was with Harper.  Finding time to train was a different story.   I ran my first few miles at 3.5 weeks post partum because I know body and knew that I could.  From there I set a lofty goal of running with my sister in law during her first half marathon in 8 short weeks.

For probably the first time ever I followed a training plan other than one given to me by my former coach. Long story short race day arrived and I did it and I felt great.  So great in fact that I thought I should run another one two weeks later, this time running my own race to see what I could really do. And that's when 13.1 miles reminded me not to get too big for my britches and humbled me over the course of the entire race.  No more races of significant distance for the rest of the year, if anything just a Turkey trot 5K :) 

See you next month!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Little Man

Holden Michael Breton
8:25 am 
6lb 9oz
19.5 inches

Seeing as though the little baby in these pictures is almost 3 months old I thought it was high time I wrote his birth story and update (and I may have gotten an email from my sister saying "don't you think it's time for an update?? Hmmm?")

Ok Birth story:  Let's just put this out there.  I chose to have a c-section.  Yes I scheduled my sons birth.  Did I want to attempt a VBAC? Hell no.  My childbirth choices have been the topic of recent scrutiny apparently so let me say this.  Bravo to those of you out there who have gone through labor and brought your little bundles of joy into this world the good ol fashioned way, I applaud you.  
I myself went through 16 hours of unmedicated labor with Harper before being whisked off to the OR to have an emergency C-section due to fetal intolerance (her heart rate plummeted with every contraction) so I have had a taste, if only a smidge, of what you've gone through.  It quite honestly was a terrifying experience that I had no interest in repeating.  So knowing this was our last child when they offered me the option to schedule a c-section I said "yes please sign me up".  If that makes me a wimp so be it.


The morning of the Monday the 7th we arrived bright and early for our 6am check in.  My dear friend Sarah was good enough to drag herself out of bed at an ungodly hour to come to our house and stay with Harper until it was time for her to go to school.

one last belly pic

The Dr came in and chatted with us briefly, long enough for me to make sure she had in fact worn her lucky pink shoes (I will never look at a pair of sparkly pink TOMS and not think of her)
and then it was time to suit up for surgery
Shaun being Shaun

Surgery was so much different this time around which was good/bad.  Good in the sense that it wasn't an emergency, the atmosphere was calm, the pace was different.  Bad because it wasn't an emergency..which gave me plenty of time to think about what was about to happen (EEK!) 
We had a playlist all set to go, much like when I run I had compiled songs that I knew would keep me calm and 25 short minutes later Holden's first cries were heard over Van Morrisons Into the Mystic.

Shaun and Holden stayed with me for a few minutes before heading back to the room so they could finish with me in the OR. From beginning to end I was done in an hour.

The rest of the day was a flurry of visitors including Holden's godparents

…best of all including Holden's big sister!
It was love at first sight.

I can tell you being in the hospital with the second baby is a totally different experience than the first.  You don't just have this one precious little person to care for, now you have two. Arrangements had to be made.  Who's picking up Harper? Who will bring her home and feed her dinner etc etc.  Shaun and I had both decided before Holden was born that he would stay with me the first night and then after that he would stay at home with Harper so she would have as little disruption to her schedule as possible.  It was the best decision we could have made but that didn't mean she didn't get to take advantage of the birthing tub though ;)

Because Shaun was home with Harper I was alone overnight at the hospital with Holden. It was nice to have that solo time with him but I really wanted to be where my support system was…home. So even though csection patients normally stay in the hospital 3 days I was recovering so well they agreed to let me go home on Wed a day early

So off we went

The last 11 weeks have been filled with the laughter, tears and general mayhem you would expect in a house where a 2.5 year old and 11 week old live but we're slowly figuring it out.  Harper loves her brother, lots of hugs and kisses, will come tell me when he's crying and give him back his pacifier when he spits it out among other big sisterly acts of love (like smothering him with her favorite teddy) After the first week (it was a shit show… I shudder to think…) we have been lucky to not have dealt with any jealousy/behavior issues because of Holden's arrival.

6 weeks old

8 weeks old
10 weeks old 

How am I doing??

Leading up to my csection my biggest fear was how hard it would be to recover from surgery while taking care of a toddler, luckily those fears were never realized.  Not that it was a walk in the park, but I was pleasantly surprised at how easy my recovery was this time around and  I was off my pain meds within a day of leaving the hospital.

  The road back to reclaiming my body has been riddled with lessons in patience and being kind to oneself.  I assumed because breastfeeding was more successful this time around that the baby weight would just melt right off me.  Isn't that what they say is supposed to happen? Apparently I am missing that gene because it has not.  At 11 weeks postpartum I have lost approximately 16 lbs (and 6 of that was BABY!) I started to feel as though I was doing something wrong…wasn't I? I had to be! I was seeing pictures of woman everywhere who mere days after having their babies looked like they'd never been pregnant! What did they know that I didn't? So I ate clean, I exercised….and still the scale never budged.  So I talked to my LC and she confirmed that yes sometimes the weight just melts right off you while others? Your body hangs on to every lb to make sure baby gets what they need…lucky me I seem to fit into the later category.  But as my wise friend V said: I have the rest of my life to be fit, right now it's about Holden.
In the interest of keeping it real:

first week home…still looking pretty prego

5-6 weeks post partum

9 weeks post partum.  Still have 20 lbs to lose but getting there.

A big part of feeling better came with running again (surprise surprise!)  After having Harper it took a good 10 weeks for me to be able to jog without pain so I was pleasantly surprised when at 3.5 weeks post partum I started to feel the itch and went for a short tentative jog on Bad Larry.  The love affair was on!  Since then I have been slowly building up my mileage and am working on my speed (damn I'm slow) but just as with the baby weight…it's a work in progress :)

I had so much more to write but as is life with an infant ….he's awake and crying…gotta go!!

Miss me?

Hard to believe I have one more week of maternity leave left and then it's back to work I go! As they often say the days are long but the years are short…I found this to be true of my maternity leave as well.  So what the heck have I been up to over the last 11 weeks?

I went from this

To this
in just one short hour (more on that in the next post)

We celebrated Nana's birthday
(yes that's an entire cupcake in there…she is my daughter)

 and learned to play the bagpipes

We went to the clam festival
 and obviously loved the rides

We celebrated a special 2 year olds birthday

 (It only took us two days to put together…someone is very proud of himself)

 And daddy's birthday too

we went on many many many walks in our neighborhood to check out all the new construction

and maybe had an ice cream or two

 On hot days we pulled out our red neck swimming pool

 and daddy finally got to take his girl fishing

we even went to a wedding

there was dress up day at school

and I braved a bowling birthday party with both kids SOLO (wowza)

FINALLY got Harper's hair trimmed

                Hit up the playground more than once               

Shaun built a new sandbox and my inlaws  bought a new boat

Lots of construction in the neighborhood means fun things to play on

Gave chicken caesar salad a try and had Harper's 2 year check up

and of course we tended to our flowers

It's been a busy 11 weeks around the Breton household!
Where's Holden in all of these pictures? Why strapped to the photographer of course!!